Geovallado no funciona

Buenas tardes,

Tengo un par de cámaras Eufycam 2 que instalé ayer.

Esta tarde he salido de casa y el Geovallado ha pasado a “Fuera de Casa” pero cuando mi mujer - que también tiene la app asociada a la homebase2 - ha llegado a casa, la alarma NO se ha desactivado.

En realidad ha pasado por la primera cámara sin que se dispare, ha pasado por la segunda cámara a oscuras y tampoco se ha disparado. Únicamente se ha disparado al encender la luz.

Qué es lo que estamos haciendo mal?

Mucho me temo que no funciona correctamente el Geovallado. ![image|375x500](upload://n1



Hi Poblador!
I took the liberty of translating your post, and noticed some odd words so hopefully I have a basic understanding of the problem:

You have geofencing set up to switch between Home and Away, the eufycams did not record your wife getting home. When your wife entered the house, the alarm was not disabled. So, the Home mode has no alarm, but the Away mode does. Is this correct?

I have read about people also having issues with geofencing in ‘secondary’ phones. Are you sure the settings are correct? On the current homebase version, the alarm is broken: when switching from Away to Home, the alarm can still trigger. The switching is broken. Is this your situation also, or do you not yet have this update?

If possible, could you respond to this message in English? Translating seems to erase some context :slight_smile:

Hi Rick2!!

Many thanks for your reply and help.

The problem was that I did not give permissions to my wife mobile.

Thanks a lot