Question. Through put rate

One of my 2C cameras has the greatest distance from the base station. It’s data through put is 15-17Kbs.

While my other cameras don’t go below 30kbs.

The camera seems to be working fine; however I had to set the motion sensitivity to highest setting to capture all events. My renaming cameras are on sensitivity 4.

Is this an issue?
I have the option of relocating either the base station or camera, but I’d rather not.


Hey @BillS22 Thanks for reaching out!

Could you please try to place the second camera to the position where you install the first camera and see if the signal issue still persists?

Please provide your eufy account and the camera’s serial number to so we can look into this case for you.

Thanks again for your patience. Looking forward to getting you taken care of as soon as possible!

As long as you are able to live stream, record any triggered events how does it matter if the through put is low or high??