What problem/s would I encounter if I set up the camera in portrait mode?

Running the Eufy Cam 2 in portrait mode, rather than the landscape mode as it is designed for, works out better for me, in terms of coverage and setting up the detection. Other than the video image showing up incorrectly rotated in the app and the recorded video, has anyone encountered any issues doing it this way? Thanks!


I have not tried this but that’s interesting!!

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Hey @changrenyong,

We are constantly working on creating new products and improving the existing ones and it is users like you that inspire us to continue down this path.

Please let us know how the device works if you need any further assistance please contact support@eufylife.com.

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Since it was installed yesterday, the camera has been having problem in motion detection when the Detection Type is set to “Human Only”. I am not sure if this is because the camera rotated in portrait mode or because it being located higher than the recommended 10 ft height.

When the Detection Type is configured to “All Motions”, it detects human figures but unfortunately, it is also triggered by the swaying branches of a tree when it is windy.

What I am going to try today is rotate the camera to landscape mode and check if I get an improvement in the camera detecting human figures in “Human Only” mode.

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Hi. I am experimenting with the same idea with my 2C cameras. See my post “Rotate eufyCam 2C horizontally?”.

In the Quick Start Guide that came in the box with your camera, in the section called Mounting The Camera, pay particular attention to the illustration of the “Motion Detection Zone”. Notice the detection zone is only a subsection of the entire field of view.

I believe the camera is rotated in such a way that the “Motion Detection Zone” is where I want it to be. I have the camera mounted outside the house, just above the garage door. When looking at the camera footage, the the timestamp, which used to be on the top right corner of the video (if the camera is set up in landscape mode as designed), is now on the bottom right.

After a bit more testing, I find that the camera is not able to detect “Human Only” when it is set up in portrait mode. I decided to just set the Motion Type to “All Motions”, set up proper activity zone, and adjusted the sensitivity so that it’s not unnecessarily triggered by swaying tree. I think it’s working OK now.

I asked the same question in ‘viewing angles - Eufy Cam 2C.’ I’ve posted some pictures but didn’t test it as you have, well done. Clearly it’s programmed for detection in landscape mode.

There is some benefit in my example but this could be a great feature for alleyways or halls.

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Do you mind providing a link to your post “viewing angles - Eufy Cam 2C”?

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I love this idea. Perfect for my narrow hallways! Human only detection is useless in this orientation but indoors thats not a problem.

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Sorry for the delay!

Continuing the discussion from Viewing angles - Eufycam 2C:

There has been a request outstanding to add orientation choice to the cameras for nearly two years.

It’s something other manufacturers do but seems to be being deprioritised by Eufy :frowning: