Homebase 2 recordings not appearing on list even though motion detected

Same issue. Must be a company system thing as we have reset everything and checked everything as well. Working find this morning until 740am

Same problem for me.

Looks like their servers are down again

Same here failed 503 request…… tried changing settings for tonight, not working. Someone needs to get a bigger server to handle the traffic.

Nope. It is a eufy issue

Same issue. Very frustrating and on Halloween!

Yep I have had an issue with home base not displaying any videos. Yet I still receive notifications for events, and when I click on them I can view the video playback once. So the cameras are workong I just cannot access any videos

Looks like the videos are slowly appearing about 1.5hrs lag of when it was recorded to appearing on the app.

Yeah. Finally working again. I can see all the recorded videos that were not appearing before.


There was an outage. Eufy rep should have made their post a sticky or even as one of the banners on the forum so everyone is aware of their service outage :expressionless:

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