Petition for open source API's, a Dev share program, and direct App to hardware communication

I’m with you on this, 100%.
Eufy/Anker are you listening?
I backed you on kickstarter many years ago, come on, listen to your supporters who made you what you are today.
Nuff said, I hope.


I also favor this idea.

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+1, petition signed with full support!!!

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+1 some update if this has been seen would be great

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Im up for this as well. Would help alot with customization and integration with other system.
Im currently testing the Homebase 2 with a camera and the door bell. So far I like what I see but if I would have issues with integration i might go to Homematic IP for the sensors and someone else for the Cam.
But to be honeat I would rather not.

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I’ve been with Eufy since the first Kickstarter campaign, and I love the hardware, but the lack of APIs and integrations (IFTTT) is causing me to rethink my strategy as my original cameras get older and need replacing. Several of my neighbors are able to integrate their security cameras (non-eufy) with IFTTT or leverage an API to customize their automation/security, and I’m starting to wonder if these capabilities will ever be delivered in this platform.

I’ve heard in the past that security is the reason Eufy isn’t moving forward with some of these integrations. I work for one of the largest cyber security companies in the world, and I can confirm that there is a secure way to implement these capabilities.


Sadly no feedback from eufy until now. I like my 3 cameras but the missing open source API is absolutely out of this time. Even though i don’t want to, i need to look for replacements. Eufy products are the only ones, i’m not able to integrate into my openhab environment.

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+1 for this!! it’s ridiculous how silent Eufy is on this forums and the lack of updates or roadmaps for this kind of basic functionality!



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I support this. I would love RTSP access to me door bell camera. I would also like a better way to integrate to Home Assistant!


An open API brings more security. I’m in !

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An open API opens many possibilities. For example, one key feature that people have been requesting for years and is still missing in the app is the ability to arm/disarm a group of cameras at once. If there was an open API available, I could have written a piece of code to do that for me.

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Yes please!

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It wont open as it is chinese

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Yes please!

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Just giving this a bump, not seen it in awhile. Clearly we’d all like these security products to be in some way smart, so please give us the tools to achieve it.


Up vote for API access and integration with other 3rd party apps

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It would be helpful to listen for events even if there is no API for controlling devices.

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C’mon Eufy. You send out polls asking for help on what people want on NEW products. Why not expend a little effort on what people have identified here as “wants”. If you asked about this in a poll, I guarantee you would get a huge YES response for an API.
Do the right thing and deliver features that were promised, not just an API. But put the API at the top of the list.


Yes to all of this!

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