Major Flaw - Delete Homebase data via camera

Wow, that’s a crazy design. It was my understanding everything was saved to the HomeBase. So basically it sounds like the base is just a link to the cams. This makes me reconsider this purchase… I was considering lowering where I have it currently mounted. I guess I won’t be doing that!

It is safed to the homebase as far as I understand. However the Camera acts as a key for the encryption.
No cam connected-> no footage which is useless
But I’m still not believing this. I’m hoping Customer Support was wrong about this.
Hope someone cam clarify or test it.

@peter_klaus12 @moo200 Yes, initially Eufy mentioned (through their moderator), that this feature was by design. But after several complaints and escalating this even further. Eufy has confirmed that they are going to fix this through an update in the future.

The reason why I was comparing the two examples (yours and mine) are because they are similar…you lose everything when the camera is disconnected from the homebase. Which in my opinion, makes this design completely useless. They might as well have put an SD card in the camera so the thief can steal that as well, lol.

Instead, Eufy went for a secured homebase inside your property to prevent losing your videos, which makes senses…BUT never anticipated the reset button or that a camera could be stolen and taken out of range?!? Unfortunately, the way it is right now…the camera still dictates what videos are saved and/or completely deleted from the homebase.

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So for real?! If camera is out of range there is no footage?! Wtf is this???

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Looks like there is some confusion here about the problem. I answered this on Reddit.

Eufy has at this point put in place a partial fix to retain records when the key gets deleted. The fix for the Sync button resetting everything is not complete yet. It does look like they are making headway on this. I’ll try to do some more testing next week and get back to their customer support manager for an update.

@preset Glad you tested and confirmed one of the issues being recently fixed by Eufy. Now they just need to fix the biggest one!! :wink::+1:t3:

This urgently needs to be addressed! This is a security system! I’m actually shocked!


@khy888 Agreed 110%!! It’s actually very concerning because if they missed something this big…then what else should we be worried about?? I’ve noticed with Eufy, that they tend to focus on pushing out new products without thinking 3 steps ahead with their current devices. The product development team has really failed in several areas…their approach is to build the plane while as consumers we fly with it.

@Sobrevilla Totally agree with you! Only yesterday received another message about another new Eufy product. They really need to address the issues with all the current products, especially the ones concerning security.

I really don’t understand why this has not be addressed, fixed, patched? Really hope Eufy are working on a fix? But another user reported a response from Eufy, ‘that is how the system is’

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They are working on fixing this issue and have been for around a month. They have already fixed a portion of the issue related to records getting deleted when devices are removed from the system. They just have to extend it to include wipes from the Sync process. That is the harder part to fix.

If you read my earlier post, Eufy estimated it would take 1-2 months to fix the issue and they have already solved part of the problem. We are only a month down the road. So, I would take a breath and let them work.


@preset I’m glad Eufy is in the process of fixing this big security flaw. One that should never have made it past initial development. And I get that you feel we should take a breath and let them work diligently through this…However, for me it’s not that simple. How Eufy handled this reported issue was a joke! They have been silent and not on the same page from the beginning. I brought up the Sync/Reset issue back in January on this forum and to Customer Service with nothing! You went through the same issue with CS afterwards, but escalated it. Which I commend you…because at least something was done to try to identify a fix. I’m still trying to get things addressed for another issue that I reported back in December.

In the future, I hope “Customer Service” acknowledges legitimate complaints and does a much better job reporting these issues instead of a consumer having to escalate things to management to get things addressed, especially with this type of security flaw (sync/reset issue). I also hope their “engineers” actually use their products before putting them out for retail and letting consumers be their beta testers.

At this point for me it’s about accountability…and that’s why I won’t hold my breath. It’s just another marketing and sales company. Their priorities and agenda are to develop new products and make money. It’s their bottom line. Fixing design flaws or other issues is somewhere lower on the list. It’s why as consumers we need to be vocal. Fortunately, we all have our own opinions…I just know I wouldn’t buy another Eufy product because of my experiences with their brand. In the meantime, I’ll just have thousands of dollars worth of Eufy products protecting my property that can easily be erased and stolen in 10 seconds…with no videos to document the event. I’ve waited this long…what’s another month for fix, lol.


I’m afraid I agree with @Sobrevilla on this one. It was actually over 6 weeks ago when you posted your response from Eufy saying the timescale was 1-2 months, which by your own admission seemed excessive, so ‘taking a breath’ for those who are currently not protected is a bit difficult to stomach I imagine.

Moreover, this must be damaging to Eufy’s reputation as the previous thread has almost 2k views and this new thread is highlighting the fact that there’s still no complete resolution to the issue. Eufy should consider themselves lucky that this hasn’t been more widely publicised.


I also notice that @Tank has now archived the previous thread on this topic for some reason. This thread seems to be carrying on where the last left off, but if anyone is interested it can be found here


@rhy33 It’s interesting that this topic always gets “archived”, LOL!! This would be the second time @Tank has done that :thinking:. Is it so it can get buried and forgotten??

By archiving the thread users can no longer provide updates or make a comment on the original posts. Regardless, it still seems like this topic will not go away until Eufy addresses the issue.

@Sobrevilla It certainly seems this way. There are plenty of considerably older topics, with fewer views that haven’t been archived, so it looks very suspicious.

Perhaps @Tank can offer an explanation?? Or better still, reactivate the thread given it had so much interest…:thinking:

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@Sobrevilla @rhy33 wasn’t trying to hide anything, been trying to figure out of together the threads which as you can see I have figured out and done now.

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Thank you @Tank for the update and explanation. I believe as customers we just want transparency and to make sure this issue is truly being addressed by Eufy. Keeping the topic available will continue to bring awareness and hopefully accountability to this problem.

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Exactly ,how else would I be able to know if & when this problem is fixed by Eufy .? I’m holding back on purchasing at the present time.

Many thanks @Tank. Appreciate the merge of threads as well - it will be easier to follow.

@Brian_Wright makes a good point regarding keeping customers informed though. How are Eufy proposing to do this?

I can see my 2C cameras got a firmware update on April 27 (1.7.4). Does anyone know what were the changes in this release?
Dare we hope? :slight_smile:
Later edit: just checked, videos are still deleted by pressing the sync button… :pensive: